I guess I can start off with this morning. I was getting dressed and put on my shoes. I walked into our front room, and felt what I thought was my socks bunched up at the tip of my shoe. I took it off to fix it, and when I did, a large cockroach jumped out of the shoe as well. Well, that will wake you up in the morning.
Second experience that was slightly out of the normal that happened this week was walking down the rock of Gibraltar some monkeys were blocking the path. I did not have a way to get around and I was in the front of the line and so I decided to climb along the side of the wall and then get down on the other side of the monkeys. One of them was not happy at all with that decision and started to chase after me. I had a little bit of deja vu from the game temple run. It was actually pretty funny.
So La Linea. We´ve had a really good last week. Antonio came to church again. We gave him a tie. He´s fantastic. President Deere actually came down to La Línea to meet with him. We´re looking forward to his baptism which is planned for this coming Saturday, so stay tuned. We´re really praying for him and he´s doing really well. The day with President Deere was very fun as well. It´s quite hard to get around in La Línea in a car, because normally we don´t use a car to get around and there are a lot of one way streets.
In terms of the work here, we have been working really hard and have been able to see some miracles. We have been working with a man who used to belong to the church in Gibraltar. He´s no longer a member, but he still has a very strong testimony. He asked us this last week to prepare a talk on the atonement. We´re excited. I really want to reactivate him. He has such an incredible knowledge of the gospel and such a strong testimony. It´s actually pretty interesting how we found him. We were trying to locate all of the old members of the Gibraltar branch, but couldn´t find this man´s house. We found his old address, but it was obvious that nobody had lived there for years. So we decided to go the old fashioned way and try and find him through the phone book. We did. Very cool miracle. He has some crazy stories about what used to happen when the missionaries were here in Gibraltar over a decade ago. Apparently, the missionaries accidentally left an iron on in their apartment which actually escalated into a large fire. Every time we talk with a person that knew the church from long ago, they remind us of the fire that happened there.
Another cool miracle that happened on Thursday. We were walking through Gib and we heard a lady yell "Elders". Bear in mind that there is only one active member pair in all of Gibraltar, so we immediately thought ¨We don´t recognize that voice. Who is this?¨ This lady approached us and was very enthusiastic. apparently she used to belong to the Gibraltar branch way back when it existed. Very cool, right? She told us that she was just visiting from Great Britain and would only be here for a couple of days. She asked us where the chapel was and told us that she would be coming to church with her husband who is not a member. They came, which was a miracle. I don´t know if I´ve mentioned this before, but I translate our church meetings into English for our Gibraltarian members. So this time, we had a little bit more people to translate for, and so I had to speak a little bit louder. During this particular sacrament meeting, one of the speakers told me she would be sharing a story, and to save me the trouble of having to translate it, she had printed it off in English. So as she gave her talk, I read the story. Bear in mind, that with the increased number of people, I had to speak a little bit louder, and without knowing it, I got a little ahead of the speaker. One of the elders in my district came up to me when the meeting was done and told me ¨I was listening to your translation and you were saying things before she did. How´d you do that?¨ Now, I was very tempted to talk about the gift of prophecy in this situation, but I decided it was probably better to be honest.
Anyway, La Línea is doing well. This week will be very packed because we will travel to San Fernando to have interviews with President Deere. We may see some changes pretty soon in La Línea. Stay tuned. We´ll find out more about it tomorrow.
Anyway, this last week has taught me a LOT about how God knows so much better than we do. Although sometimes it´s very hard to accept, we have got to try and be doing our best to do what we can wherever we are. I´m learning a lot about that on my mission. Sometimes we can´t see the reason for why we are in a specific situation or why we are going to be placed in a difficult circumstance, but one thing that we can be sure of is that God knows us and wants us to be able to succeed and is going to give us the tools wherever we are.
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